Bernard Williamss biography, net worth, fact, career, awards and life story

Bennie Bernard Williams (born July 18, 1972) is a former American and Canadian football offensive tackle. Williams was the Philadelphia Eagles first round draft pick in the 1994 NFL Draft and started all 16 games for the Eagles in 1994. He was named to the NFLs All-Rookie team that season.

IntroAmerican and Canadian football player
IsAmerican football player 
Football player 
Canadian football player 
FromUnited States of America 
Birth18 July 1972, Memphis, USA
Age:48 years
Star signCancer
Height:206 cm
Weight:144 kg
Sports Teams
Philadelphia Eagles
Toronto Argonauts
BC Lions

Bennie Bernard Williams (born July 18, 1972) is a former American and Canadian football offensive tackle. Williams was the Philadelphia Eagles’ first round draft pick in the 1994 NFL Draft and started all 16 games for the Eagles in 1994. He was named to the NFL’s All-Rookie team that season.

Williams tested positive for marijuana several times, and he never played in the NFL after his rookie season. After his rookie season, Williams was suspended from the NFL and never applied for reinstatement.

He would later play for the XFL’s Memphis Maniax, the AFL’s Detroit Fury and the CFL’s BC Lions and Toronto Argonauts.

