Cool 2Be Conscious Incredible Services And Offerings In The Alternative Health And Well-Being Ind

Right now, it is growing as a movement across Australia and is also expanding in the US as a unique wellness movement. Isnt it astonishing how a few businesses and brands have developed over the years, thriving off of some excellent growth and business strategies? More or less, they have relied on tried-and-tested methods and

Right now, it is growing as a movement across Australia and is also expanding in the US as a unique wellness movement.

Isn’t it astonishing how a few businesses and brands have developed over the years, thriving off of some excellent growth and business strategies? More or less, they have relied on tried-and-tested methods and techniques, but a handful among them still rose up and above others. Wonder how? Well, because they chose not to blindly follow the game of others in their industry. Though this is easier said than implemented, platforms and brands like Cool 2Be Conscious (C2BC) prove to be great examples. This is a one-of-a-kind movement that has now spread across Australia, its home ground, and now is on its way to becoming a global platform and movement, with already expanding in the US.

Founded by two visionary founders, Ru Mackenzie and Ryan Hubbard, Cool 2Be Conscious has grown as its own industry/brand, going ahead in bettering the game of the alternative health and well-being niches. As a team of passionate facilitators, they have been bringing inner awareness and personal growth in people in a very simple but fun way. Their services are aimed at helping people shift their identity and life for the better and thus are hoping to impact the masses on a global scale. Hence, they strive to be relatable to cater to a larger audience.

What has made C2BC gain so much momentum and attain many headlines around the world is its phenomenal services and offerings for helping people attain their healthiest selves and fulfilling lives.

They offer an informative and educational podcast designed to inspire and create a positive change in people’s lives. They do 30 minutes online flow sessions through IG Lives on most weeks; through their Website, they offer free pre-recorded meditations, state shifting breathwork, and habit resources. Stillness is a 1 hour session of breathwork, meditation, and community. C2BC Experience offers a 6.5 hours event to help people get rid of their old habits and beliefs to create a new life and shift perspectives to clear out their emotions that may be holding them back. Retreats offer people fully-immersive experiences going into the depths of holistic living and cultivating positive habits for a prosperous life. Their Facilitator and Licensees help people get aligned with their visions and movement through their comprehensive training, enabling them to hold space and run events supported by them with a licensing structure, empowering these individuals to grow a group and community anywhere worldwide. Also, they offer C2BC Plus, which emerges as a conscious shop for ethical products to assist in mindful living. These products include a journal, glass water bottles, sleepy sprays, essential oils, and tongue scrapers, to name a few.

C2BC (@cool2beconscious) is a movement that supports anyone and everyone to attain the life they truly desire.

