Dance Moms Recap Is Dance Moms Over, Abby Threatens to Quit: Season 5 Episode 32 Reunion City

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Millers Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday August 18 season 5 episode 32 called, City of Angels, and we have your weekly recap below. On tonights episode,coming off of a major loss at nationals, its time for Abby Lee Miller and the dance moms to hash out what

Dance Moms Recap 8/18/15: Season 5 Episode 32 Reunion "City of Angels"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday August 18 season 5 episode 32 called, “City of Angels,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, coming off of a major loss at nationals, it’s time for Abby Lee Miller and the dance moms to hash out what went wrong. Between live performances from the ALDC, Abby and the Moms dish on their true feelings about nationals and some of the season’s most shocking moments in LA.

On the last episode ALDC’s competition season came to a close with Nationals and the girls felt the pressure to remain undefeated and prevail in LA over their rivals at Broadway Dance Academy. But with Abby opening her new studio the day before competition, the girls were left with little time to prepare. The girls gave their all to make their leader proud but the tension spiraled out of control, leading to a chaotic ending unlike any Nationals before. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “Coming off of a major loss at nationals, it’s time for Abby Lee Miller and the dance moms to hash out what went wrong. Between live performances from the ALDC, Abby and the Moms dish on their true feelings about nationals and some of the season’s most shocking moments in LA. The moms are divided on hot button issues like Nia’s music career, Kira’s meltdown, Melissa’s favoritism, and Abby’s out of control behavior and lack of commitment to the team. Plus, there’s a major surprise in store for one of the moms and Abby drops a bombshell!”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s Reunion Special Episode– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms tonight is the reunion show. Abby sent a text to everyone telling them not to show up to the reunion show but everyone showed up – except for Abby. Jeff Collins says when she heard the moms showed up, she showed up too but isn’t talking to anyone. She takes a seat onstage and sits in her spot without speaking. The moms come out and sit around her. Exec producer starts the show. He says everyone will share what they think of ALDC LA and says the girls will perform.

Jeff asks Abby about the emotional ending to the season with Ava beating Maddie and the team coming in second. Abby holds up a sign that says Fixed. She refuses to speak. Jill says it was disastrous and they weren’t judged properly. Holly says it’s disgraceful to say it was fixed just because they lost. Jess says the other team won. Jill says there was no credibility by the time it ended and says they were giving awards out of category and other mistakes.

Jeff asks why they walked out and Jill says the awards were over. Jess says they were being sore losers. Abby yells and says they sat through the whole thing. Holly says they looked like sore losers and that’s why the crowd booed them. We see the host awarding a wrong award out of category. Then later Abby tells the girls to all walk. Frank the owner of the competition tries to stop them. Abby says he’s not a friend – they just do business.

Holly and Jess didn’t walk out with them. Jeff says they talked to Frank who spoke to Holly and Jess and he says if he didn’t put on a fair competition, word would get out and he couldn’t do business. Jill says they won four years in a row but now she doesn’t know. Jess says they didn’t question it when they won. Jeff asks where Cathy is and Jill says who cares. Abby holds up an IDK sign. Jeff asks about Jeanette and Melissa says she’s 10x better than Cathy.

They call out Jeanette who sits. Abby holds up a sign that says WHO? Jeff congratulates her on the win and Ava says she’s shocked at Melissa and says Maddie has won over Ava many times and she never called anything fake and always congratulated her. Ava says the competition was a little chaotic but that doesn’t mean it was fixed. Jeanette says it was a huge win and Jill says it was all about her beating Maddie. Jess says Abby should have called Frank later to talk. The girls perform Don’t Fence Me In.

Jeff asks Jill about being upset with the lack of training. Jill says they have been traveling and says they need to step up their game without class and good training. Holly agrees. Abby says meeting with agents and going on auditions takes time. Abby says she has told the kids things they can do at home to hone their skills. We see a look back at a Jill argument when Jill goes off about the lack of stretch class. Abby asks why Kendall can’t do it at home and says you don’t need a teacher for that.

Then Kendall tells Abby she’s done for the day and tells her to go. Kendall begs her mom to stop it. Jill says she doesn’t want Abby to yell at Kendall, she just wants her to fix the problems. Jess says Abby didn’t teach one class while they are out there. Jess says they never stretch in class. Abby asks why she doesn’t stretch JoJo and she says she does it at home and says JoJo can leave anytime. She says JoJo was in the studio recording an album and missed classes.

Jeff shows a clip about JoJo doing a master class. Abby asks her what she knows about being a master instructor and says she hasn’t earned it. Jess says Abby likes to stalk JoJo on Instagram and Abby says she follows her. Jess says it said it was not a master class. Jess says Abby had a company at 14 and was not a master. Then Kendall does her solo number Burn and Jeff refers to her as a rising pop star.

Jeff asks Kira if Abby could have arranged more classes and Kira says she agreed with Jill and brought in Tessandra to help. Abby says a mother shouldn’t arrange classes and Kira says she owns a studio and arranges classes. Kira talks about Abby putting her hand in front of Kalani’s face and telling her to go over there with JoJo and Nia when she tried to hug her. We see the clip. Kalani was upset and Kira went off and asked Abby why she is awful to the other girls.

Kira says not to treat her child like that and says go to hell. Abby says Kalani would rather be with any other mother but her and she takes Kalani and walks out and screams at her not to treat her child like that. Abby says she wants Kalani with her and not with her because Kira is sleeping with some guy she’s not married to. Now, Kira says no one should treat her kid like that. Abby says there were just too many kids. Holly says Abby doesn’t even realize her behavior.

Jeff asks about Abby disappearing for a week. Abby says she was banned from the set. We see Abby walk in wearing just her bra and screaming. Abby says she had enough. Now she holds a sign that says THIS SHOW OWES ME. Holly says Abby has difficulty acting in a professional capacity and says the signs aren’t professional. Abby asks if someone can print them on a computer for her. Jeff asks her to simmer down. The girls do their group number Panic Room.

Jeff talks about Hollywood and says it can change people. He asks if any of them have changed more. Jill says Holly has changed the most and Abby agrees. Jill says she’s no longer a Pittsburgh mom. Holly says she took Nia’s passion and treated it like she would a job – strategic with networking and says there’s nothing wrong with what she’s done. Jill says Holly is always late because of all she’s got going on. Kira says Nia and JoJo miss a lot of school to take advantage.

They disagree and Holly says they make it up. Jill says Holly was never like this and Jill calls her defensive. Holly calls Jill a liar and they argue. Holly says Nia goes to school after. Jill says she said Nia didn’t show up on time. They scream at each other and Jeff breaks in and Holly calls her a liar and stands up to walk off. She tells exec producer Bryan Stinson she’s leaving and Jill tells her to go and so does Abby. Jill says she can dish it out but can’t take it.

Bryan asks Jill to stop so Holly can take a seat again. They do. Jeff asks if her approach is working for Nia. Holly says it seems to be and she has no regrets. Then Jeff shows some of Nia’s music video premiere at nationals. Mikey Menden introduces the video Slay. The crowd loves it. It’s a good video. Kira says that Abby too Kalani out of the group number and Jess says all of them have been pulled and it’s no reason to walk out. Jess and Kira get in a screaming match.

We see a clip of Kalani being told by Abby she’s not in the group number. Kira asks if Abby is punishing her daughter and says her dad has flown in. Abby says Kalani can’t dance because it throws off the age for the group number. Jeff asks why Kira came back and she says Kalani wanted to come back and finish the season and do nationals with ALDC. He asks about Kira’s pregnancy. The other moms say ALDC is having a baby.

Kira says she’s not married but has been with him a long time. Abby says Kalani is at an impressionable age and says she thinks Kira should tie the knot since Kalani likes the guy. Jeff says he has a surprise for her. He calls out David, her BF. The other moms hug him and so does Abby. He kisses Kira and Jeff tosses a cushion to the floor. Abby gets out her camera to shoot a video. David says it’s been three years and he falls more in love with her all the time. He says he adores her kids. He says he never thought he would do this but it’s right. He drops to one knee and proposes.

Kira says yes and Abby cheers. The crowd cheers. Kalani is excited and runs to hug Abby then her mom and David. The other ALDC girls run on stage to check out her ring and congralate Kira and Kalani. Jeff congratulates Kira then turns to Melissa. He talks about Mackenzie’s big year who has a new music video coming out called I Gotta Dance. She says she couldn’t believe it when Mackenzie beat Maddie. We see Jess talking about it and asks if Kenzie should have beaten Maddie.

Melissa says no she doesn’t think that she should have beat her since Mackenzie looked like a little kid and Maddie looked like an adult. The crowd boos her. Melissa says they love to talk about her kids. Jeff asks Abby about her taking the lead in a group dance then taking it away from Mackenzie. Jess says Abby didn’t give her a chance. Jess says she didn’t and Abby says oh well. Jill says Melissa didn’t stick up for Mackenzie.

Jeff congratulates Abby on her new LA studio and asks if she will be there this summer. She says she’s going to Panama with Maddie and Mackenzie and has a lot of world traveling. Jess asks who’s running the studios. Abby says she was planning on retiring when the show first started and the competition has been an amazing run and says this journey is ending for her. Jeff asks if she’s ending the junior elite team. Holly asks what Abby means. Abby says it’s been a great run.

Abby says they should go out on top but they lost. The moms laugh and Holly says it’s unfortunate that the commitment the students have that Abby drops them as teens. Abby says she’s not done with them but says she wants to take what she learned and do something bigger and better. Jeff says the future of the ALDC is up in the air and says there’s a lot in store of Dance Moms.



