Exclusive: Interview With After Romeo

After Romeo is a pop band made up of Jayk Purdy, Drew Ryan Scott, Blake English, and TC Carter. The group recently released an EP and competedin the iHeartRadio Rising Star competition where they finished in the top five.

After Romeo is a pop band made up of Jayk Purdy, Drew Ryan Scott, Blake English, and TC Carter. The group recently released an EP and competed in the iHeartRadio Rising Star competition where they finished in the top five.

The boys also recently appeared in a Samsung commercial, which featured the band playing on stage at a concert.

Their new EP Good Things features a variety of songs that is appealing to all. Here is an acoustic version of the track “Pull Over.”

We spoke to After Romeo to discuss their musical aspirations and future plans.

CM: How do you think you’ve evolved since you began your music career together?

TC: As our career keeps evolving we go through more experiences that take our music different places. With the different life situations we go through it gives us more to write about.

Drew: Honestly it all comes from the same place as when we started, but we have gone through more and experienced more. It has given us new topics to write about as well as given us new sounds to try out in the music.

Jayk: I think we’ve all learned who we are as artists and realized we have to take risks and not play it safe.

Blake: I think the biggest evolution for us has been going from 4 individual artists into one cohesive group. It takes a lot to get 4 people with different ideas on what they want to express to the world to agree on artistic endeavors. Sure enough though, keeping our goals in mind, we were able to create this machine that operates as one.

CM: How would you describe the style of your music?

TC: It’s Pop music with a little flair – music that you can feel the fun & dance to.

Drew: Feel good vibes you can groove and dance to.

Jayk: A little R&B and a little pop. Definitely a lot of other music genres peppered in as well. We have such a diverse taste in music so we wanted to incorporate all of that.

Blake: We all have different tastes in music. From R&B to EDM to old school Rock & Roll to the current pop sound you hear all over the radio…We took all of those, put them in a blender and got the songs that are now on our EP Good Things :)

CM: Are there any people in particular who inspired you to make music?

TC: Justin Timberlake & Chris Brown are big ones. But also Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco!

Drew: Elvis, The Beach Boys, Justin Timberlake

Jayk: Michael Jackson, Boyz 2 Men, Prince, Justin Timberlake. So many great artists are out there to learn from. They’re great for a reason so we study them to death!

Blake: Of course there are plenty of artists I look up to, but I’d say my family has had the biggest influence on me. From my grandma playing Fleetwood Mac in the car while taking me to school, to my mom and dad constantly playing the Eagles, Billy Joel, Elton John, and Rod Stewart.

CM: Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?

TC: In 5 years I would love to have a/multiple #1’s with this band, tour all over the world & then hopefully have my own fashion line.

Drew: Doing what I love to do. Enjoying life. Playing GTAV. Haha

Jayk: Hopefully inspiring people to not give up on their dreams, to keep pushing even when you develop some sort of doubt. We want to continue making great music and growing as artists.

Blake: I will always be involved in music.  It’s a part of my soul. Whether I’m continuing to rock out with the guys in my band or writing my own stuff that has a life of its own, I’ll be happy.

CM: If you could have your music featured on a soundtrack for any movie, what movie would you pick and why?

TC: Well considering how much I love super hero movies, it would be awesome to hear our song in like a Spider-Man movie or something like that! I just really love being a little kid at heart.

Drew: Ohhhhhh dang! I would love to have a song on any Marvel movie! I almost had the theme song for Avengers 2 for the Asian territories! It was confirmed it was going to be the song I wrote and featured After Romeo singing! Then literally the last minute they switched songs! I was so crushed!

Jayk: Hahaha hmmmmm maybe some sort of Marvel movie. Maybe the Avengers or some sort of super hero movie would be so awesome.

Blake: I’m a huge horror movie lover so getting to write scores for upcoming horror films would be AMAZING!

CM: Where’s one place you’ve always wanted to perform at?

TC: As far as like an arena it would have to be Madison Square Garden. A country I would love to perform in would be Australia.

Drew: Madison Square Garden….Super Bowl halftime…the World Cup!

Jayk: Staples Center and Madison Square Garden. We’ve grown up watching all of our idols perform there so it would be so great to follow that.

Blake: I’ve always wanted to perform at an abandoned church rehabilitated for performances. The stain glass and the architecture is so beautiful and inspiring as an artist.

CM: If you were only allowed to use 3 words to describe your music, what words would you use?

TC: Energetic. Vibey. & Dope lol

Drew: Fun sexy chaos

Jayk: Hmmmm energetic, smooth, and infectious

Blake: Chill, fun, party

CM: Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians?

TC: Always have a goal and work as hard as you can to accomplish that. It sounds so cheesy, but when you put your mind and body into something you can accomplish anything.

Drew: Work your tail off! You won’t get anywhere being lazy. It takes time and dedication to get anywhere in life. Don’t ever stop going and don’t listen to people who try to bring you down.

Jayk: We are huge believers in not giving up until you’ve achieved your goals. No matter how many “no’s” you get or doors closed, you might just get that one “yes” that changes your life.

Blake: Keep putting out content even if it only gets 10 plays or 15 views. Creation and sharing is what keeps artists alive and the more content you put out into the world, the longer your lifespan as an artist will be.

CM: When you were younger, did you ever want to have a different occupation or have you always wanted to be a musician?

TC: Yeah, actually growing up I played baseball. So I was dead set on playing Major League Baseball. I would have also loved to have been a vet.

Drew: I always wanted to be a musician

Jayk: I wanted to be an athlete sooooo bad.. I thought I was going to be an NFL quarterback. It was my first love :)

Blake: Oh I had plenty haha…I wanted to be an archeologist, a zoologist, a veterinarian, an artist (drawing), a choreographer and an actor.

CM: Do you have any plans to cover any more songs in the future, or are you going to be sticking to putting out more original work?

TC: I’m sure if we love a song that comes out we might do a cover for YouTube but as far as being on our album, it will be all originals.

Drew: Yes we will be doing some new covers but those are secrets :) I actually take requests from fans and make acapella video posts on my Instagram.

Jayk: We are going to be doing both. If there’s a cover song we really like, I’m sure we’ll learn it. And we are always recording new stuff as well!

Blake: We are really enjoying putting out our original stuff right now. Covering songs is fun, but we get the most fulfillment out of our own work.

CM: Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?

TC: I want to tell the Army thank you for loving us and being so supportive. We couldn’t do any of this without you!!

Drew: Thank you guys for working so hard for us! We really do appreciate the countless hours you spend dedicated to us. We hope you love the new music. Just wait for the full album

Jayk: Thank you all so much. We wouldn’t be here if there was no you. You’re what make us tick. Love you very much and we can wait to see you at a show!

Blake: Thank you so much for being so loyal and dedicated and going on this journey with us. We couldn’t do any of this without you.

Exclusive: Interview With After Romeo 2

Make sure to check out After Romeo’s latest EP and follow them on social media at After Romeo. What part of the interview was your favorite? Let us know by Tweeting us @CelebMix

