Naked Attraction male contestant escorted off show for having 'excited' manhood

Naked Attraction host Anna Richardson has revealed a male contestant had to be escorted off the show for having an excited manhood. The Channel 4 show features six naked people who have their bodies gradually revealed by a potential date.

Naked Attraction host Anna Richardson has revealed a male contestant had to be escorted off the show – for having an “excited” manhood.

The Channel 4 show features six naked people who have their bodies gradually revealed by a potential date.

But Anna, 50, said one man had to be taken aside as he’d become aroused.

She also says there are constant thermostat battles between the sexes, who want the heating or lack of it to make their bits look better.

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She said: “There was a young man who was getting a little bit excited about what was about to happen.

“So our lovely floor manager, Dave had to escort him off the floor for a little while, just to calm down. And then he was brought back onto set.

“It all happens. Boys being boys – you can’t control your anatomy can you? So, there’s been a little bit of excitement.”

She added: “There’s always a fight between the boys and girls over the temperature controls.

"The boys always want the studio to be warm and are always fiddling and touching.

“The girls want the studio to be freezing because of course they want their boobs to look their very best.”

