Nico Rosberg hilariously banned by McLaren from taking selfies with the team after the 'Rosberg curs

McLaren pit crew members hilariously put up a paper that denies former F1 driver Nico Rosberg from taking any selfies around their garage. Though this might seem rude at first, those who know the reference will definitely understand and get a good laugh out of it.

McLaren pit crew members hilariously put up a paper that denies former F1 driver Nico Rosberg from taking any selfies around their garage. Though this might seem rude at first, those who know the reference will definitely understand and get a good laugh out of it.

Nico Rosberg unintentionally has a reputation for jinxing F1 drivers and teams during any race session. In the recent past, when Rosberg has posted a selfie or a picture of any driver or team, that driver or team has performed poorly in a race session, be it practice, qualifying, or even the main race.

During the first practice session of the 2023 F1 Belgian GP, McLaren posted a paper notice that featured an edited photo of Rosberg on it with the words 'NO ROSBERG SELFIES'. The paper was stuck to front of the team's garage. Mclaren's official twitter account posted a photo of the notice on their page.

Nico Rosberg was quick to humorously reply to the tweet, stating that he was heading to the team's factory to take a selfie. He said:

"Haha…heading to your factory for a selfie!"

The team further replied with nothing but a hilariously worried picture of Oscar Piastri.

Recently, Nico Rosberg posted a selfie in front of Max Verstappen's garage prior to the 2023 F1 Hungarian GP qualifying session. Surprisingly, Verstappen was unable to stick it on the pole, losing out to Lewis Hamilton. Rosberg then posted a similar selfie in front of Hamilton's garage before the main race. The jinx worked once again, with Hamilton immediately losing pole position to Verstappen after the first lap of the race.

Of course, the former F1 driver does not intentionally want the jinx to happen, but the rate at which it has been happening is hilarious and surprising to witness.

Oscar Piastri compares McLaren's speed with other top teams

Oscar Piastri has performed brilliantly in his first year in F1. The Australian had good pace throughout the first half of the season, even though McLaren was struggling quite a bit. After their Austria upgrade package, however, Piastri and his teammate, Lando Norris, were extremely quick in both Silverstone and Hungary.

In an interview with Speedcafe, the young Australian stated that Red Bull is now the only team that are better than Mclaren for pace. He said:

"Really, the only car better than us was the Red Bull."

Piastri further expressed how exciting it was to aim for podiums in almost every single race weekend. He concluded:

"Lewis was clearly very quick as well, but compared to where we were even a few weekends ago, it's very, very exciting that we can, I think realistically, aim for that every weekend [podiums]."

McLaren have jumped up in the Constructors' Championship and are currently in fifth with 87 points. Oscar Piastri is in 11th in the Driver's Standings with 21 points, while Lando Norris sits in eighth with 60 points.

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