Rosamund Pike: I dont enjoy the pregnancy bit of having big boobs, really

Finally! Rosamund Pike covers two major October issues to promote Gone Girl. She covers Vogue UK and Glamour (US). We dont have any interview excerpts from her Vogue UK piece yet, so Im just including the cover in this post. I like the Vogue cover WAY more than the Glamour cover, which is awkward to


Finally! Rosamund Pike covers two major October issues to promote Gone Girl. She covers Vogue UK and Glamour (US). We don’t have any interview excerpts from her Vogue UK piece yet, so I’m just including the cover in this post. I like the Vogue cover WAY more than the Glamour cover, which is awkward to say the least. They cropped out part of her head – that’s not my cropping mistake. They should have cropped the photo higher on her waist so that her whole head could fit in the frame. Weird. Anyway, you can read Rosamund’s Glamour interview here and here are some highlights:

Doing scenes with Ben: “Ben and I would have these scenes that were very giggly and sort of romantic. And then we’d go to this very dark place…I tried to get us out of that.

Doing scenes with Neil Patrick Harris: “We were in hysterics in the editing room. It was very funny doing [rehearsals for our sex] scene. David left Neil and me alone on that set for like two hours to make sure we could do it. But when it’s just two of you, basically kind of f–king on a bed, it feels so inappropriate.”

She was unnerved by Amy: “There were definitely moments when I felt very uneasy with how much power Amy had. And the interesting thing is, my reaction was to laugh. To get sort of uncontrollable giggles. That was the most curious part of playing her: At the point where she’s at her most powerful, it unnerved something in me.”

Finally getting magazine covers: “A lot of girls who are high-profile in Hollywood—they’ve been doing cover stories for big magazines since they were in their early twenties. And I haven’t. I feel quite nervous about it! And having to do cover shoots while pregnant. You’re like, ‘Well, I’m pregnant. So, you know, I haven’t really got a waist anymore.’ I don’t enjoy the pregnancy bit of having big boobs, really.”

Motherhood & careers: “The question is really why do so many women’s careers take off just as they have children? Is it because you are risking everything in your relationship and the risk-taker in you carries through into your professional life? You have less time to worry and overanalyze — maybe that’s it. Or the huntress instinct to provide for your family is awoken. [Either way,] with children you spend so much time reexperiencing the world as a child experiences it, and that has a nourishing effect on your imagination — in my job, imagination is key.”

[From Glamour]

I get the feeling that Rosamund is a “light” person in real life – she just seems very easy-going and sweet, and I can totally see her getting along with Neil Patrick Harris. They probably had the best time together. But working with the Batfleck? I wonder. Oh, and you know what I learned in this? Rosamund named her son Solo. For real. His name is Solo Uniacke. That poor kid!!

RP Vogue UK

Photos courtesy of Glamour and Vogue UK.

