Start time for every major region and more

League of Legends' ranked season for 2023 will start with the release of patch 13.1. However, fans across the world will be eager to know about the exact time at which it begins. Hence, the starting time for the new ranked season for every central region worldwide has been listed in detail. The local timing,

League of Legends' ranked season for 2023 will start with the release of patch 13.1. However, fans across the world will be eager to know about the exact time at which it begins.

Hence, the starting time for the new ranked season for every central region worldwide has been listed in detail. The local timing, as well as its equivalent time in North America, has been provided for the benefit of the fans.

Ranked matchmaking is getting some significant changes with the upcoming season, as was mentioned in the developer video on January 9, 2023. The changes have been introduced this year to keep the ranked queue fresh and rewarding across all major ranks, including both bronze and challengers.

Full details regarding starting time and changes for League of Legends' ranked season in 2023

Ranked season 2023 in League of Legends will start on January 11, 2023. The timing across every major region has been provided in the table below:

RegionTimezoneRanked (Local)Ranked (North America) (PST)
OC1AEDTJanuary 11, 06:00January 10, 11:00
JP1JSTJanuary 11, 05:00January 10, 12:00
KR1KSTJanuary 11, 06:00January 10, 13:00
RUMSKJanuary 11, 03:00January 10, 16:00
TR1GMT+3January 11, 05:00January 10, 18:00
EUN1CETJanuary 11, 04:00January 10, 19:00
EUW1GMTJanuary 11, 05:00January 10, 21:00
BR1GMT-3January 11, 04:00January 10, 23:00
LA2GMT-3January 11, 05:00January 11, 00:00
LA1CSTJanuary 11, 04:00January 11, 02:00
NA1PSTJanuary 11, 03:00January 11, 03:00
PHGMT+8January 12, 04:00January 11, 12:00
SGGMT+8January 12, 05:00January 11, 13:00
TWGMT+8January 12, 06:00January 11, 14:00
THGMT+7January 12, 06:00January 11, 15:00
VNGMT+7January 12, 07:00January 11, 16:00

Therefore, for most major regions, the ranked season will start on January 11, 2023. However, at a few places, such as the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam, ranked season 2023 will begin on January 12.

In any case, there is a lot that is going to happen this year with ranked matchmaking in League of Legends. Unlike previous seasons, the 2023 ranked season will be divided into two major sections.

The ranked season will receive a soft reset around the middle of the year. This reset will not be as big as what happens at the start of the year, but it will be done to reduce boredom among players.

Usually, players who grind very hard at the beginning of the season lose interest after reaching their peak. After that, they would use smurf accounts to play on low-level lobbies or play very few ranked games, which hurts the overall player base.

Regardless, neither smurfing nor a reduced player base is good for League of Legends in the long run. Therefore, if there is a ranked reset and players are provided with a fresh experience a second time in the year, it will keep everyone engaged throughout 2023.

However, the developers will ensure that players are adequately rewarded for this different grind. In the upcoming year, players will receive rewards for reaching a particular rank both in the mid-season and towards the end of the season.

Apart from that, the strict requirement of reaching gold rank to obtain special skins has been removed. Instead, skins will be rewarded to everyone, but there will be chromas for the specific ranks players achieve.

This does not mean that it will be easy to obtain the special skins if League of Legends players is stuck in silver or bronze. Since the requirement for reaching gold is getting removed, the number of games players will have to play to obtain the skin at silver and bronze will be quite high.

Therefore, the grind will be almost three or four times what high-rank players must do. This has been done to ensure that the rewards are only obtained by those who deserve them.

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