Vanilla Ice Cancels His Austin Texas Performance Because Of Coronavirus

Vanilla Ice just dropped out of his performance in Austin, Texas, stating that he wasnt aware the COVID-19 situation was so out of control in the city. TMZ says that the rapper first scheduled the concert a long time ago, but considering the rise of the coronavirus in Texas, the rapper believes now is no

Vanilla Ice just dropped out of his performance in Austin, Texas, stating that he wasn’t aware the COVID-19 situation was so out of control in the city. TMZ says that the rapper first scheduled the concert a long time ago, but considering the rise of the coronavirus in Texas, the rapper believes now is no longer the time for him to perform.

As it was previously reported, Vanilla Ice said earlier this week that fans were to come to his show at their own risk. He claimed the local health department strongly advised against it.

He was supposed to perform at the Emerald Point Bar and Grill in the area of Lake Travis, which isn’t far from downtown Austin. Due to the large capacity of the venue, Vanilla Ice had to cut the tickets down to 2,500 tickets down from 5,000.

When potential concert-goers purchased a ticket, it came along with a warning label that said the concert-holders wouldn’t be held responsible if any person caught COVID-19.

Vanilla Ice posted a throwback video on his account recently in which he celebrated the 1990s. He claimed the decade was the best time of his life. The rapper said on his account that they never had computers, cell phones, or the coronavirus.

They just had great content and art, including Mortal Kombat. The rapper also said that house parties were practically invented in the 1990s, which he described as the last of the “great decades.”

In other news, the Texas governor, Greg Abbott, recently demanded that all bars and clubs be closed, with restaurants sustaining themselves with just 50% capacity. It comes after the state became afflicted with 8,076 new cases on Wednesday.

TMZ says that the rate of hospitalizations has become too much for the state’s medical system to bear. Emerald Point Bar and Grill, however, is one of the establishments that has managed to remain open due to the fact it’s technically considered as a restaurant.


The coronavirus has hit all areas of the entertainment industry very hard, including festivals like Coachella, which was postponed this year.

