What is Hayden Markowitzs profession? The Bachelorette suitors job profile explored ahead of S

Season 19 of The Bachelorette is set to premiere on July 11. 32 charming suitors from different backgrounds are set to impress Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia, who were the finalists on The Bachelor season 26. Among the suitors, viewers are looking forward to meeting Hayden Markowitz, a leisure executive at 30A Rental Properties, a

Season 19 of The Bachelorette is set to premiere on July 11. 32 charming suitors from different backgrounds are set to impress Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia, who were the finalists on The Bachelor season 26. Among the suitors, viewers are looking forward to meeting Hayden Markowitz, a leisure executive at 30A Rental Properties, a full-service luxury vacation rental and property management company.

The Bachelor’s finalists from last season, Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia, were fan favorites and are now seeking love on the new season of The Bachelorette. The makers of the show have stated that both single ladies will get the chance to choose their Prince Charming from among the suitors.

The official synopsis of the show reads:

“Fan favorites and fierce women Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia will stand by each other's side yet again as they co-star on a journey to find love."

Hayden Markowitz from The Bachelorette comes with a package deal that includes his dog, Rambo

29-year-old Hayden Markowitz did his schooling at South Walton High School. Markowitz realized his passion for entrepreneurship when he came to college. In 2015, he received his graduate degree in bachelor's in entrepreneurship studies from the University of Mississippi. The Florida native also has a bachelor’s degree in legal studies from the University of Central Florida in 2017.

Apart from following his entrepreneur degree, he also gained practical experience in it. He worked as a realtor at The Premier Property Group for five years from 2012 to 2018.

After leaving The Premier Property Group, he joined Michael Saunders and Company as a Realtor Sales Executive. A year later, he left and joined Coldwell Banker Global Luxury as a realtor.

Along with pursuing real estate entrepreneurship as a passion, Markowitz also utilized his legal studies degree. In 2017, he became the Chief Executive Officer at Go 2 Legal Funding, LLC. He was responsible for managing the funding advancement process and underwriting.

After working there for two years, he joined 30A Rental Properties and is currently working as its president.

When it comes to love, Hayden is looking for a thoughtful and trustworthy woman who appreciates him for being the man he is, even on his worst days. He considers himself to be very romantic and enjoys planning extravagant dates to make his partner feel special.

In fact, The Bachelorette's suitor is very close to his pet dog, Rambo, and does not make love decisions without his consent. His bio on the show reads:

"She also MUST love dogs because Hayden and his good boy, Rambo, are a package deal. No one is getting a ring on their finger without Rambo's approval, so let's get this paw-ty started!'

Hayden is charming and is deeply proud of his southern roots. The Tampa man tries not to take life too seriously. A carefree person, he loves to play golf, hit the beach, and work his magic on the grill. Hayden likes to end his day with a dip in the hot tub.

Viewers can watch the new suitor on The Bachelorette season 19 at 8 pm ET on ABC and on HULU.

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